Please feel free to browse our photo librarys below.

Welcome to the Richland Heritage Society
Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Richland Heritage Society.
Our Mission
We will aim to preserve and protect the history of Richland, Pennsylvania.
Please take a look at Richland through the years. If you have any photographs you would like to share please contact us
Richland has a long and rich history. Please click on the link below to explore our past,

We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special events.
Check out our Facebook page.

Latest News and Upcoming Events for 2019
March 16 at the Union house the RHS welcomes some irish music. Fun evening for all.
April 20 will be Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and our chocolate sale, watch for flyers and on our facebook page
May 11 will be Richland Community days and Legion car show
July 21 Back to school bingo at the fire hall and chocolate sale
Aug 23/24 civil war 93rd infco Lebanon
November 15 tree lighting
December 14 Breakfast with santa, chocolate sale
31 new years eve cigar drop
Also December 1- 18 we will be putting out santa's mailbox for the children to mail their letters to santa.
Check out the NEW hats! Solid Colors $15, Two-Tone $20
These hats can be purchased at any Heritage Society event, or by visiting us. Contact us for more information.
You can also order online below by clicking the desired hat type and we will ship one to you .Please Indicate Which number hat you would like.
Hat 5 or 6 $15
Hat 1,2,3,4 $20